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ALVAR VIRA, Tile Adhesive
1 400 KZT
Штукатурка гипсовая SELECT Alit
/ 25 KG
  • Water-resistant
  • Easy to apply
  • High adhesion
  • Application thickness: 4-6 mm
  • Color: gray
Technical Data:
Used for ceramic tile installation on plastered brick and concrete walls, as well as floors in dry and wet areas. Suitable for both interior and exterior use.
The substrate must be solid, dry, and free from dirt, dust, oil, bitumen stains, and old paint residue. Any surface irregularities, cracks, cavities, or other defects should be repaired with a cement leveling compound.
Mixing Instructions:
The dry mix is combined with water manually or using a low-speed electric drill at a ratio of 200-250 grams of water per 1 kg of dry mix until a uniform, plastic mass is obtained. The prepared mixture is allowed to sit for 5 minutes and then mixed again.
Application Method:
Apply the adhesive to the prepared substrate using a notched trowel. The recommended application thickness is 4-6 mm, depending on tile size. Avoid applying the adhesive over large areas at once, as its adhesive properties remain effective for about 10 minutes on the surface. Tile adjustments can be made within 10 minutes after laying. Grouting can begin 24 hours after tiling.
It is made with a cement-sand base and special polymer additives that ensure excellent adhesion to the substrate, strength, elasticity, and reliability in use. The mix contains no harmful substances.
Water resistancewaterproof
Mixing ratio200-250 ml of water per 1 kg of dry mix
Consumption rate6.5-9.5 kg per m² at a thickness of 1 mm
Pot life of mixtureat least 1 hour
Adhesion strengthmin. 0.5 MPa
Compressive strength2.5 MPa
Strength gradeM25
Recommended thickness2-30 mm
Application temperaturefrom +5°C to +30°C
Store in tightly sealed bags in a dry area on wooden pallets. Shelf life in original packaging is 6 months.
Safety Precautions:
Keep out of reach of children. Avoid inhaling the dry mixture. In case of eye contact, rinse with water and consult a doctor.

The manufacturer is not responsible for improper use of the material or for its application in conditions not specified in this instruction.
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